ParsedTransactionMeta: {
    computeUnitsConsumed?: number;
    err: TransactionError | null;
    fee: number;
    innerInstructions?: ParsedInnerInstruction[] | null;
    loadedAddresses?: LoadedAddresses;
    logMessages?: string[] | null;
    postBalances: number[];
    postTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null;
    preBalances: number[];
    preTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null;

Metadata for a parsed transaction on the ledger

Type declaration

  • OptionalcomputeUnitsConsumed?: number

    The compute units consumed after processing the transaction

  • err: TransactionError | null

    The error result of transaction processing

  • fee: number

    The fee charged for processing the transaction

  • OptionalinnerInstructions?: ParsedInnerInstruction[] | null

    An array of cross program invoked parsed instructions

  • OptionalloadedAddresses?: LoadedAddresses

    The collection of addresses loaded using address lookup tables

  • OptionallogMessages?: string[] | null

    An array of program log messages emitted during a transaction

  • postBalances: number[]

    The balances of the transaction accounts after processing

  • OptionalpostTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null

    The token balances of the transaction accounts after processing

  • preBalances: number[]

    The balances of the transaction accounts before processing

  • OptionalpreTokenBalances?: TokenBalance[] | null

    The token balances of the transaction accounts before processing