ConnectionConfig: {
    commitment?: Commitment;
    confirmTransactionInitialTimeout?: number;
    disableRetryOnRateLimit?: boolean;
    fetch?: FetchFn;
    fetchMiddleware?: FetchMiddleware;
    httpAgent?: Agent | Agent | false;
    httpHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
    wsEndpoint?: string;

Configuration for instantiating a Connection

Type declaration

  • Optionalcommitment?: Commitment

    Optional commitment level

  • OptionalconfirmTransactionInitialTimeout?: number

    time to allow for the server to initially process a transaction (in milliseconds)

  • OptionaldisableRetryOnRateLimit?: boolean

    Optional Disable retrying calls when server responds with HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests)

  • Optionalfetch?: FetchFn

    Optional custom fetch function

  • OptionalfetchMiddleware?: FetchMiddleware

    Optional fetch middleware callback

  • OptionalhttpAgent?: Agent | Agent | false

    An http.Agent that will be used to manage socket connections (eg. to implement connection persistence). Set this to false to create a connection that uses no agent. This applies to Node environments only.

  • OptionalhttpHeaders?: HttpHeaders

    Optional HTTP headers object

  • OptionalwsEndpoint?: string

    Optional endpoint URL to the fullnode JSON RPC PubSub WebSocket Endpoint