A public key

Hierarchy (view full)



default: PublicKey

Default public key value. The base58-encoded string representation is all ones (as seen below) The underlying BN number is 32 bytes that are all zeros


  • get [toStringTag](): string
  • Returns string


  • Checks if two publicKeys are equal


    Returns boolean

  • Return the base-58 representation of the public key

    Returns string

  • Return the Buffer representation of the public key in big endian

    Returns Buffer

  • Return the byte array representation of the public key in big endian

    Returns Uint8Array

  • Returns string

  • Return the base-58 representation of the public key

    Returns string

  • Async version of createProgramAddressSync For backwards compatibility


    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

    Use createProgramAddressSync instead

  • Derive a program address from seeds and a program ID.


    Returns PublicKey

  • Derive a public key from another key, a seed, and a program ID. The program ID will also serve as the owner of the public key, giving it permission to write data to the account.


    Returns Promise<PublicKey>

  • Parameters

    Returns any

  • Parameters

    Returns any

  • Async version of findProgramAddressSync For backwards compatibility


    Returns Promise<[PublicKey, number]>

    Use findProgramAddressSync instead

  • Find a valid program address

    Valid program addresses must fall off the ed25519 curve. This function iterates a nonce until it finds one that when combined with the seeds results in a valid program address.


    Returns [PublicKey, number]

  • Check that a pubkey is on the ed25519 curve.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns a unique PublicKey for tests and benchmarks using a counter

    Returns PublicKey