CreateAccountWithSeedParams: {
    basePubkey: PublicKey;
    fromPubkey: PublicKey;
    lamports: number;
    newAccountPubkey: PublicKey;
    programId: PublicKey;
    seed: string;
    space: number;

Create account with seed system transaction params

Type declaration

  • basePubkey: PublicKey

    Base public key to use to derive the address of the created account. Must be the same as the base key used to create newAccountPubkey

  • fromPubkey: PublicKey

    The account that will transfer lamports to the created account

  • lamports: number

    Amount of lamports to transfer to the created account

  • newAccountPubkey: PublicKey

    Public key of the created account. Must be pre-calculated with PublicKey.createWithSeed()

  • programId: PublicKey

    Public key of the program to assign as the owner of the created account

  • seed: string

    Seed to use to derive the address of the created account. Must be the same as the seed used to create newAccountPubkey

  • space: number

    Amount of space in bytes to allocate to the created account