Factory class for transactions to interact with the Stake program



programId: PublicKey

Public key that identifies the Stake program

space: number

Max space of a Stake account

This is generated from the solana-stake-program StakeState struct as StakeStateV2::size_of(): https://docs.rs/solana-stake-program/latest/solana_stake_program/stake_state/enum.StakeStateV2.html


  • Generate a Transaction that authorizes a new PublicKey as Staker or Withdrawer on the Stake account.


    Returns Transaction

  • Generate a Transaction that authorizes a new PublicKey as Staker or Withdrawer on the Stake account.

    Returns Transaction

  • Generate a Transaction that creates a new Stake account at an address generated with from, a seed, and the Stake programId

    Returns Transaction

  • Generate a Transaction that delegates Stake tokens to a validator Vote PublicKey. This transaction can also be used to redelegate Stake to a new validator Vote PublicKey.


    Returns Transaction

  • Generate a Transaction that splits Stake tokens into another stake account


    Returns Transaction

  • Generate a Transaction that splits Stake tokens into another account derived from a base public key and seed


    Returns Transaction

  • Generate a Transaction that withdraws deactivated Stake tokens.


    Returns Transaction